Mirror Embroidery incorporates delicate pieces of these reflecting surfaces within the needlework. Conventionally, these embroideries were sewn by the women belonging to rural areas. These works were then used for wearing on celebration of a particular festival or, later on, for selling to generate a reasonable income for the family. Thus, initially, the needlework was used for wearing and presenting as gifts on special occasions. However, later on, as this subtle needlework gathered more appreciation and demand from people around, steadily, it converted into a commercial product which helped the ladies to produce an earning by trading them off.

Every region of Pakistan has its own embroidery style, inspired from the Sindhi-Kutch style; there have been numerous new creations. Particularly, the mirror work brings forward a variety of different approaches, which can be utilized to create a new style every time. The interesting thing about traditional embroidery, is that, every pattern of stitch brings forward particular reminisces of culture and history of that region. Hence, the embroidery work itself, is a piece of record to be kept safe.

Within this genre, the following embroidered varieties are most commonly found:

  1. Suf

This needlework bases itself on the triangular shapes. The thread work is constructed on the cloth from the backside of the fabric. The triangular motifs are not pre-designed or pre-marked on the paper. Rather, the design is reliant upon the creativity of the thread-worker. In such a way, it is important for the artisan to be aware of the intricate modes which can be produced out of this simple geometrical shape. Furthermore, symmetry is also vital, to be maintained, by the artisan, while stitching as there are no pre-marked designs on the textile.

  1. Khaarek

Utilizing the unique shape of squares, this style of embroidery constructs patterns with mirror pieces embedded within them, which accentuates the colors altogether. The outline and pattern are created through fabric markers, by the artisan, beforehand. Spaces are sealed with satin and the needlework is conducted from the front part of the fabric. Cross stitch style is also incorporated within the Khaarek needlework.

  1. Paako

Floral-style, solid embroidery falls under the category of Paako needlework. The embroidery often incorporates wide black outlining of the intricate floral patterns.

  1. Rabari

This elaborate thread work uses chain stitch and creates a variety of shapes and borders. This style incorporates creativity on the part of the artisan and, hence, numerous new modes have been created from it.

  1. Jat

Incorporating multiple geometric shapes coupled with the cross stitch style, this embroidered technique gained immense popularity. Because of the delicacy of this work, quite tiny mirrors are implanted in this needlework.

  1. Mutava

The Mutava needlework incorporates the styles of different embroidery styles and, by mixing them, creates a unique fashion on its own. Specifically, Mutava embroidery combines paako, khaarek and jat work.

Furthermore, certain types of appliqué and patch work also form a part of the embroidered construction within the Sindhi-Kutch style of threadwork.