How to Use Google Gboard Roman Urdu Feature?

Google Gboard, Google Keyboard, Roman Urdu

Smartphones have changed the way we communicate and type messages. Now we can type in a variety of languages with just a few clicks. Google Gboard is an app that makes typing in different languages easier than ever. And now with its Roman Urdu feature, Urdu enthusiasts and Urdu speakers can easily type in Urdu. […]

Easypaisa App Ranks at 4.7 on Google Playstore With Nearly 12 Million Customers

Easypaisa App, Google Playstore, Technology

With so many applications that help customers to store and withdraw money, it’s really hard to know which ones are the best. Easypaisa Pakistan was the first to launch a GSMA mobile money-certified service in 2009, named Easypaisa. It allows people of deprived socioeconomic statuses to send money from their mobile phones. At first, the […]